Use panels to highlight information to users.
Don't use colour alone to convey meaning. Information conveyed with colour must also be communicated textually to be effective.
Use an information panel to highlight information to a user. It can also be used to playback information a user has entered, away from where they’ve entered it, such as on a confirmation screen or user email.
Reverse information
Use when you want to highlight the information the user has entered or the main body of the information you’re displaying.
Information extra
Use when you want to allow users to change information they’ve entered.
Key data
Use a key data panel to highlight data to a user. For example, an amount of money or a reference number. Support the data with contextual information. For example, “Your reference:”
Use a confirmation panel to playback information that a user has entered, such as their address, near to or inline with where they entered it. It can also be used to highlight an action the user needs to take based on information they’ve entered. For example, telling them they need to fill in a certain form.
Reverse confirmation
Use when you want to highlight the information the user has entered or the action the user needs to take.
Confirmation extra
Use when you want to allow users to change information they’ve entered.
Use a warning panel to highlight critical information to a user, such as an:
- action the user needs to take urgently, such as calling 999.
- issue with a form that means the user can’t continue, include information about why they can’t continue and what they can do instead.
- action or lack of action that could result in them incurring a penalty, loss or inconvenience.
Use a slate panel to highlight information to the user. For example, a change in library opening hours or a change in a process.
Slate primary
Use occasionally to give more emphasis to a piece of information or call to action.
Slate primary without title
Use occasionally to give more emphasis to a piece of information or call to action when the message does not require a title.
Slate white with outline
Use to highlight information outside the main flow. For example, a link at the bottom of a page for the user to give feedback on a form.