Let users select one or more options from a selection by using checkboxes.
Don't use checkboxes if users can only select one option from a selection. In this case, use Radio buttons instead.
If one or more options in a checkbox list could include extra information or be blocked, use Multistate small checkboxes.
Arrange the list of options in alphabetical order unless there is a specific reason to do otherwise.
With label
With label and hint
You can add hints to the label and to the checkbox items to provide additional information about the options.
Option for ‘no’ or ‘none’
If ‘no’ or ‘none’ is a valid response to a question, include it as an option instead of expecting the user to not select any checkboxes.
This option should be shown last in any list. It should be separated from other options in the group with a divider, typically the word ‘or’.
Single checkbox with a label
Use a single checkbox item when you need users to confirm one thing, for example, agreeing to terms and conditions.
By continuing you confirm that:
- the information you've given is correct.
- you agree to the terms and conditions.
With error
Display an inline error when there's something wrong. For example, when a user tries to proceed without selecting an option and the question is mandatory.