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Let users select one or more options from a selection by using the checkboxes component.

Don't use checkboxes if users can only select one option from a selection. In this case, use the Radio buttons component instead.

With label

Which types of waste do you transport?
<fieldset class="field field--set">
<legend class="field__label field__label--block">
Which types of waste do you transport?

<div class="bcc-form-block">
class="field__label field__label--block has-mb-2"
>Waste from animal carcasses</label
<label class="field__label field__label--block has-mb-2" for="waste-mines"
>Waste from mines or quarries</label
<label class="field__label field__label--block has-mb-2" for="waste-farm"
>Farm or agricultural waste</label

With label and hint

You can add hints to checkbox items to provide additional information about the options.

Will you be travelling to any of these countries?
Select all countries that apply.
Further explain your label text.
<fieldset class="field field--set">
<legend class="field__label field__label--block">
Will you be travelling to any of these countries?
<h6 class="field__instructions">Select all countries that apply.</h6>

<div class="bcc-form-block">
<input class="field__input" type="checkbox" name="options" id="france" />
<label class="field__label field__label--block" for="france">France</label>

<input class="field__input" type="checkbox" name="options" id="portugal" />
<label class="field__label field__label--block" for="portugal"
<div class="field__add-info field__add-info--block" for="portugal">
Further text to explain your label text.

<input class="field__input" type="checkbox" name="options" id="spain" />
<label class="field__label field__label--block" for="spain">Spain</label>

<input class="field__input" type="checkbox" name="options" id="other" />
<label class="field__label field__label--block" for="other"
>No, I will not be travelling to any of these countries.</label

With multiline label and hint

You can add a multiline label to a checkbox item to provide additional information about that option.

Will you be travelling to any of these countries?
Select all countries that apply.
Further explain your label text.
<fieldset class="field field--set">
<legend class="field__label field__label--block">
Will you be travelling to any of these countries?
<h6 class="field__instructions">Select all countries that apply.</h6>

<div class="bcc-form-block">
<input class="field__input" type="checkbox" name="options" id="france" />
<label class="field__label field__label--block" for="france">France</label>

<input class="field__input" type="checkbox" name="options" id="portugal" />
<label class="field__label field__label--block" for="portugal"
<div class="field__add-info field__add-info--block" for="portugal">
Further text to explain your label text.

<input class="field__input" type="checkbox" name="options" id="spain" />
<label class="field__label field__label--block" for="spain">Spain</label>

<input class="field__input" type="checkbox" name="options" id="other" />
<label class="field__label field__label--block" for="other"
>No, I will not be travelling to any of these countries.</label

Single checkbox with a label

You can use a single checkbox item when you need users to confirm they agree to the terms and conditions.


By continuing you confirm that:

You could be prosecuted if you deliberately give untrue or misleading information.
<h3 class="h3">Declaration<</h3>
<p class="paragraph">By continuing you confirm that:</p>
<ul class="default-list">
<li>the information you've given is correct.</li>
<li>you agree to the <a href="#"><strong>terms and conditions</strong></li>.

<fieldset class="field field--set">
<legend class="field__label field__label--block">
You could be prosecuted if you deliberately give untrue or misleading information.

<div class="bcc-form-block">
<input class="field__input" type="checkbox" name="options" id="terms" />
<label class="field__label field__label--block" for="terms">I agree</label>

With error

Display an inline error when there's something wrong. Example, If JavaScript is unavailable, and a user do not select any of the options, display an error message.

Make sure:

  • The form control has the aria-describedby attribute and references an associated error message
  • The associated error message has a unique ID

Remove the error state when the checkboxes are updated, to avoid confusing users.

To do this:

  • Remove the field--error class
  • Remove the <div> element with the class field__message field__message--error

Refresh this page to reset the error state in this example.

How would you like to be contacted?
At least one selection is required
class="field field--set field--error"
<legend class="field__label field__label--block">
How would you like to be contacted?

<div class="bcc-form-block">
<input class="field__input" type="checkbox" name="options" id="email" />
<label class="field__label__error field__label--block" for="email"
<input class="field__input" type="checkbox" name="options" id="text-msg" />
<label class="field__label__error field__label--block" for="text-msg"
>Text Message</label
<input class="field__input" type="checkbox" name="options" id="phone" />
<label class="field__label__error field__label--block" for="phone"

<div id="options-error" class="field__message field__message--error">
At least one selection is required